Power Generator

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Testing Energy Generator on Central AC system, 75% reduction , Adding the energy saver our goal target is 95 % reduction, Small solar panel will be added to make up 5% and system will be self-sustaining.

We are in the final development of a  completely new way of generating electricity. Over 18 years of research and development have gone into the making of this new system. We have working prototypes that will go into production as the second phase of our companies global energy reduction plan. These are pictures of motors and generators for testing only.

This is the alternative (free) energy machine prototype in action.  The lower motor powered by the batteries is driving a generator and lighting the lower bulb.  The second motor is driving a generator and lighting the second bulb from the redirected electrons.  The energy going to the second motor is will extend the battery of the used battery system and we did not violate any laws of physics. We just use electricity in a completely new and different way.

Welcome to our site
New Power Generating System
Changing the world one person at a time


Creative thinking leads to knowledge

Changing the way we think and do things

Mr C Sorondo Founder CEO