About Us

Hello Everyone ! Welcome to our site

Inventor, Entreprenuer

FAE – Engineer

My name is Carlos Sorondo, I am a professor of advanced electronics at a national technology institute. I am also father, inventor, and entrepreneur. I have spent the last 20 years of my own time and money developing new technologies to improve the way we live on our planet.

The electric formulas and laws of electricity have been around since the early 1800’s. Today, we still use century old laws to calculate and power the world. Through my extensive research and testing, I have discovered that there is more than one way to use electricity. There is much to consider with the electron flow (EMF). With this new discovery, we can use electricity which can reduce electrical usage by 75% or more. The system we developed uses a microprocessor to monitor, control, direction, and reuse electricity in a completely (patent pending) new way. We do all our own engineering, board design, coding and testing.  We have built several working prototypes to demonstrate how this new global changing technology works.  We are also developing systems from Freon Free Air-conditioning, to Chemical Free food and environment sterilization units.

Our company is a full Research and Development community of independent engineers, working together towards Global Environmental Solutions.

Thank you for visiting our site.

|| Comments

    By admin on March 28, 2015

    Getting ready for a podcast interview ..

    By admin on April 18, 2020

    Going to start to put my Website to working order . This site is for R&D of ideas. thank you for stopping by

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Welcome to our site
New Power Generating System
Changing the world one person at a time


Creative thinking leads to knowledge

Changing the way we think and do things

Mr C Sorondo Founder CEO